How Can Family Members Have the Same Birthmark

What Does It Mean When Ii People Have Matching Birthmarks?


Karen Frazier Karen Frazier

Karen is a psychic medium, energy healer, and author. She has written most and investigated the paranormal for nearly 20 years. She currently teaches classes in psychic development and energy healing and works as a psychic and energy healer.

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Psychic Medium

Woman with birthmarks

Two people having matching birthmarks is uncommon, but there are reports it happens. And while it's non possible to compare with anybody else in the world to see how many people have a similar birthmark to yours, if you lot discover you share a matching birthmark with a special other, you may wonder what it means. While there's no physical proof, sharing an identical birthmark with another person or a group of other people may signal your souls are connected across time and space.

Yous May Have Had a Past Life Together

In his reincarnation inquiry, Dr. Ian Stevenson identified birthmarks related to past life events on many of his subjects. And then when two people who are closely linked in this lifetime share identical or highly similar birthmarks, it may be an indication you have been together in a previous life in some manner. It doesn't necessarily mean y'all are "soulmates" or romantic partners throughout lifetimes, but information technology is not uncommon for people in the same soul grouping (clusters of souls who frequently share incarnations and remain together in the spirit world) to appear in each other'southward lives fourth dimension after time, and a birthmark may signal to you the other person has played meaning roles in your past lives and volition in this lifetime, equally well.

You May Share a Common Spiritual Path

If the birthmarks have a similar unique shape and/or color, such as appearing in the form of a certain animal, it may indicate you share spiritual characteristics or you are walking a similar spiritual path. Recognizing the matching birthmarks allows you to find a support system - someone who will understand and enhance your journeying as an embodied spirit.

You May Be Soulmates

People with matching exact birthmarks (size, shape, color, location) may have a special human relationship across lifetimes. For example, y'all may both have centre or diamond shaped birthmarks in the same place on your body, or y'all may accept a matching birthmark over your heart chakra. A soulmate is someone who incarnates with you lifetime afterwards lifetime and plays a significant function in every life. While nearly people consider soulmate relationships romantic partnerships, it isn't always the case (although quite ofttimes it is). A soulmate may come as a parent, child, sibling, or all-time friend, as well. No matter what form the relationship takes in your life, all the same, this is the soul who comes with you across time and infinite to challenge you and help you grow.

Couple sitting cross legged on bed

It May Be for Other Reasons

At that place are many theories and superstitions about birthmarks, so sharing matching birthmarks may indicate any of the following.

  • You were of the same imperial lineage in by lives.
  • Y'all were both fatally wounded in the same spot past a similar weapon.
  • You share the same guardian angels or spirit guides who gave you a "kiss" before you lot were born to mark you and help you recognize one another.
  • Yous have the aforementioned animal spirit guides.
  • Your spiritual journeys are somehow intertwined in this lifetime.
  • You share similar traits or life paths, such as struggling with abundance, being extremely artistic, or having a deep pity for children.

Differentiating Between Coincidence and Significant Birthmarks

Of course, having similar birthmarks may be a coincidence, as well. For example, if you and your best friend both have a tiny mole on the top eye of your correct foot or you and your spouse both take a freckle on the superlative of your left ear, chances are these similar markings exist out of adventure, since many, many people take small freckles and moles in various places on their trunk. Nevertheless, if you both take a group of minor moles or freckles in the exact same place on your body that match the Gemini constellation, for example, information technology may indicate the two of yous are connected spiritually in a way that allows you lot to foster the other's growth and spirituality.

Recognizing Matching Birthmarks

Some birthmarks are genetic and shared among family members. These types of birthmarks may announced to be like amidst siblings or across generations, merely they normally aren't exactly the same. For example, my father, son, and I all share cafe-au-lait spots (small patches of darker paint). Mine is on my stomach, my son'southward is on his chest, and my father's was on his arm, but they are all of a different size and shape. Our birthmarks indicate the beingness of neurofibromatosis (elephant human being's affliction) somewhere in our genetic history and don't appear to take special spiritual significance.

What Makes Birthmarks Match?

Matching birthmarks may have some of the following characteristics:

  • They may be the same size, shape, and color, but appear at different places on the body.
  • They may be the same color or shape simply unlike sizes in different locations.
  • They may be the same shape and size, but be in different colors and locations.
  • They may match exactly in size, shape, colour, and location.

Meanings of Matching Birthmarks

If y'all observe someone who has a birthmark that matches yours, it is likely an indication this is a person who volition play a significant function in your life or foster your spiritual growth. The universe sends many types of signals to help you recognize important souls in this lifetime, and matching birthmarks may be ane way information technology gets the message across.


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